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500 Postcard Challenge

We are aiming to write 10,000 postcards to voters this summer.  How many can YOU write with your friends? You just have to be old enough to have neat writing!  (sign up link coming soon! email Youthpower4climate if you have questions)

Who we are

Youthpower Climate Action connects young people to real actions they can take to stop climate change together.


Join us on zoom on Wednesdays, 4 - 5 pm PST. Email for the zoom link and agenda.

Youthpower 2024
Fall Programs

Climate Action Marathons in Alameda

Sign up for a day, a few days, or a week!

(For youth (6th grade through college) who are old enough to work at the library and around Alameda with other young people, without adult supervision.)

1. Sat. Aug. 31  -  Mon. Sept 2   -  Climate Action Marathon - Labor Day Weekend, in Alameda. Get details and RSVP at: 

2. Sat. Sept. 21  -  Sun. Sept 22 -  A Weekend of Climate Action -  sign up for one day or both.  Get details and RSVP at:

3. Sat. Oct. 12  -  Mon. Oct. 14  -  Climate Action Marathon -   sign up link coming soon

Art for the Climate!  (ages 5 - 25)

Make artwork that shows the environmental impacts of expanding airports and increasing flying. 

See last year's winners here: Art for the climate - 2023

Submit here:


Climate Wednesdays on Zoom (ages 10 - 25)

Every Wednesday this summer we'll be meeting on zoom to learn to text voters, blog, and phone voters - join us for all or part of the afternoon:


Wed. 2 - 3:30 - orientation, blogging, and texting voters

Wed. 4 - 5:30 phoning voters with Environmental Voter Project


If you're interested, email us at: to get the link


Take the 500 postcard challenge!  (or set your own level). We are aiming to write 10,000 postcards to voters this summer.  How many can YOU write with your friends?   You just have to be old enough to have neat writing!  (sign up link coming soon! email Youthpower4climate if you have questions)


Enter our Trader Joe's refrigerant contest (Alameda TJ only).  ALL AGES WELCOME TO ENTER - $100 gift card to Trader Joe's.

Solve the mystery - have they switched to natural refrigerants yet!  (They told us they would, soon!).

Breaking News

Our gofundme for climate-safe refrigeration is open!  We're aiming to raise enough for 32 feet of shelving - it comes out to about $4,000 per foot of shelving!  We'll be applying to matching funds us make the match!

Thanks for submitting!

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